The New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics (NTTS) is an international biennial scientific conference series, organised by Eurostat, on new techniques and methods for official statistics and the impact of new technologies on statistical collection, production and dissemination systems.

This years, NTTS will take place from 7 to 9 March 2023 in Brussels with satellite events on 06 and 10 March. The aim of NTTS conferences is to present the results from currently ongoing projects in official statistics and stimulate and facilitate the preparation of new innovative projects through institutional cooperation and knowledge exchange between different key stakeholders, such as academia, European institutions and the private sector.

The NTTS 2023 Conference will be – once again – a great opportunity to know and explore current and innovative methodologies and solutions related to statistical and geospatial data integration supporting the production of official statistics. It is important to highlight that data integration and geospatial statistics as key topics in official statistics, particularly related to data collection and data analytics trends, will have three sessions with presentations from the EFGS members. In addition, the new version of the GSGF Europe (one of the main outcomes of the Geostat 4 project) will be presented as a framework promoting the re-assessment of national geospatial and statistical data practices and towards harmonised geospatial statistics at the European level.

The NTTS2023 Scientific Programme and outline is available on the conference website: